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Carlyn Saltman

Turners Falls, Massachusetts, USA

Website: External link opens in new tab or windowwww.videofeedbackcoaching.com

Bestseller Status: Confirmed


Carlyn Saltman is the founder of Video Mirror Feedback®, the transformational method sought out by executives and social entrepreneurs who want to polish their presence fast. 

As an award-winning documentary producer and communication trainer, she helps her clients avoid making videos and presentations that miss the mark and stop engaging in interviews and conversations they later regret.


During online video calls, clients get a Relational Tune-up that boosts their skills and confidence to ensure that they come across with their own whole-hearted, winning presence. They use her distinctive method to quickly discover what needs to shift, verbally and non-verbally, in order to express themselves with ease and credibility. The results are lasting change in their ability to authentically engage and influence others in healthy, productive relationships at work and at home.

Carlyn graduated from Mount Holyoke College and the UK’s highly selective National Film and Television School.  She is a lifetime member of the Relationship Coaching Institute.