Dennis Kane
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Dennis Kane
Santa Clarita, California, USA
Bestseller Status: Confirmed
Dennis Kane is an RN and clinical hypnotherapist specializing in assisting cancer patients and their loved ones.
At the age of 12, he was diagnosed with terminal cancer. He had surgery, and that night he began to hemorrhage. After being rushed back into surgery the next morning, he died on the table and was revived. He spent the next several years in treatment.
He was never allowed to play like other kids, so eventually he turned inward and began living in his mind. He would imagine himself well and playing sports with other kids. Eventually, he got very good at this, and actually was able to feel stronger and reduce various medications he was taking.
He later learned that what he was doing was called visualization and guided imagery. Now, as a hypnotherapist, he has created a program for cancer patients using techniques that have worked for him and many other patients.