Donna R. Goode
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Donna R. Goode
Riverside, California, USA
Bestseller Status: Confirmed
Donna R. Goode is passionate about empowering women develop into their Divine, Inspirational, Visionary, Authentic self to become their absolute personal and professional best. Donna leverages this to empower women to grow personally and to flourish in their professional, business life as leaders.
She has spent over 10 years as a teacher working with both individuals and groups to not only improve but to strive for excellence in all that they pursue. She has a Master’s Degree in Leadership and uses it to create leaders around her.
She is a published author and will be releasing her book The Soul of a D.I.V.A. winter 2015.
She uses her life experiences of both success and failure, triumph and tragedy to help women uncover their true life power and purpose that lies within them. She also helps women to unleash that power and purpose that lies within to reach their goals and achieve amazing success.
Donna is currently an author, speaker, mentor and coach and is teaching women to let go of what is not serving them in their lives and teach the strategies and tools to enhance their vision and be a true D.I.V.A.