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Mal Duane

Framingham, Massachusetts, USA

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Bestseller Status: Confirmed


The first step is to admit to yourself that your life is out of control in certain areas. In my work with women in the past 20 years, I’ve discovered that many of them are suffering silently with guilt and shame that’s tied to the past—things that they may have done that they feel so guilty about…but guess what?  Those past experiences do not define who we are as women today.  We have to learn to let go of the past, but we carry it like old luggage.  When we do that, our attitude begins to change about ourselves. We start to recognize some of those self-sabotaging behaviors that are holding us back from being the divine women that we’re meant to be. 

If we can now honestly admit to ourselves, “I’m overeating; I’m drinking too much; I’m taking pills; I’m dependent on shopping; I’m using sex to feel good about myself.”  If we can identify what we are doing as a band-aid, as a way to feel good about ourselves, we can start to replace those negative behaviors with positive intentions.  It’s very important that it be an intention, because an intention has your soul behind it, but a goal is strictly a written wish.