Contact Earthgrid
Did you see a charge that says 'PAYMYGRID.COM/EARTHGRID' on your credit card statement and don't know what it is?
==> Please contact us on our Live Chat HOTLINE.
We can quickly look up your purchase and explain what it was for. Before you call your credit card company and dispute, let's talk and work it out! We can issue a refund and it is much less paperwork. Thanks for your business! you have a
Your domain name
Your email address
Configuring your email
Setting up Wordpress
Setting up hosting
SSL Certificates and much more . . .
Call our 24/7 Customer Service Line.
+1 (480) 624-2500
You'll need your Customer # and PIN or recent credit card purchase receipt.
(Note: Operators cannot help you with your website, design or creative).
For Consulting and Website Design:
Phone: 1-800-557-0212
Ext 1 Customer Service - Ext 2 Technical Support