Insider Online Magazine on SEO and Website Optimization
Congratulations on making it this far. You may have noticed there were a few 'barriers' we put in the way for you to ever get to this page. It's not merely 'no pain no gain'. At Earthgrid we're looking for the few clients who are willing to do what it takes to succeed. We used to have these pages out in the public view and we found that it simply educated our competition and caused confusion. So, we're only making these pages available to our subscribers, customers and clients.
This magazine is an interactive magazine, meaning that because you are a subscriber you will also be receiving add-on products we highly recommend, invitations to special events and video seminars by E-mail. You can unsubscribe at any time, however you will also lose the access to our magazine.
The purpose of Insider magazine as the name implies is to give you the Insider knowledge that I've gained over years in being a SEO consultant for celebrities and businesses. In short, I've always made my clients a lot more money than they invested in my services, but it takes time. How much time depends on a variety of factors.
The magazine is organized into tabs and it is all on one page. Simply click on each tab and read the contents below. You will see links that will lead you out of the magazine into other destinations. We strongly recommend you press the CTRL or CMD key when visiting these links to open them up in a new window.
Latest Links:, - This is the 'users manual' to the compete web site architecture we use at Hundreds of pages of information and we're updating it all the time.
Earthgrid Marketing Blog - This is the online Marketing Blog that is used in conjunction with our Blogtalk Radio Show. You can listen to hours of information about SEO.
Most of the information you will find in these pages is unlike what the other SEO Guru's promise - "a quick top ten listing in the search engines" . Let me tell you - there is no such thing unless you're getting a listing that nobody is searching for but once a month. The Linking tab explains this and gives you the two tools I use personally to analyze whether its worth going after a given key phrase either in PPC or natural SEO.
It will take time and work but the payoff is worth it.
In Your Service,
Viktor Grant
5 Secrets for Winning The Search Engine Game
Are you not showing up where you want to be in search engines?
Search Engine Optimization isn't a mystery or arcane science practiced by a handful of internet search engine gurus. Yet it does require a basic understanding of how the Internet works.
Here are three major steps you can take with your website to improve your rankings. Interlaced between these steps are the 5 Secrets. We strongly recommend you follow these steps IN ORDER.
Step One
Build a new web site or modify your existing site in such a manner that it's easy for search engines to find your site, index the site and position you in their directory.
SEO SECRET #1: "never offer a HOME link on your website (or at least don't call it home).
--- unless of course you are in real estate.He urged that webmasters and website owners title home pages with high-ranking keywords or keyword phrases and that all pages within the site refer to those same keywords.
For example, if your web site sells 'golf clubs', name your home page "golf_clubs.html", set your title tag to "golf clubs" and most importantly, set the links in the footer of your website with the words "golf clubs" rather than "home."
Add a few years to your old domain name.
Yes, especially Google cares a lot about this. Most people register their domain name for 1 or 2 years. If you register your name for 10 years, Google figures you will be around a lot longer than a fly-by-night website and gives you more relevancy than your competition. It cares even more about how many years you've BEEN IN BUSINESS. So before you go register that brand-new domain name, go back to your earliest names you have and give them new life. An old name is worth a lot more than a new name, contrary to popular belief. If you add a few years to your old name you'll be far more relevant.
Step Two.
Determine the search terms or keyword phrases that your target audience is most likely to use to find products or services that you sell.
Use these tools: Adwords Keyphrase Tool and
Traffic Estimator Tool
Incorporate these keyword phrases into your web pages in a proper manner. In other words if you're going after the phrase 'golf clubs', be sure that you 'sprinkle' that phrase throughout the language on your web site and especially your home page.
It is also more important that those words appear not too often and not too far down on the page. You want your key phrase to appear close as possible to the top of the page.
SEO SECRET #3: Have a Beautiful Website That Makes Sense with Keyword-Relevant Language.
Don't try to fool the engines. They are way too smart, and contrary to popular belief, most 'top 10' sites are actually visited by a human being before you're allowed in the top ten on your target phrase.In other words, you need not only a natural looking opening page to your website with about 600-800 words on it, ideally, you also need a GOOD LOOKING site. If your site looks 'ugly' , chances are that you won't make it in the top 10.
Step Three.
Persuade websites in similar topic areas to 'endorse you' i.e. offer links to your site, so that search engines know your site is a relevant and important destination.
OK, this is the heart of the matter. I have had many arguments with so called 'SEO Experts' who say that exchanging links is dead, and that having a good website is enough and my response to them is always the same:
Let me explain why. Exchanging links or having a links page is what the Internet was founded upon. Linking in between your pages on your site is one factor, linking TO other sites is another factor, and other sites linking back to you is still another factor.
I can tell you this. Our clients get more repeat business from links they have placed on strategically aligned websites that send them continual business than they do from all the search engines put together.
The reason for this is simple. When you are leaving a site and 'exploring' a site that you already know recommends, you tend to trust that site more than you would from a search engine.
Also, search engines pay a lot of attention to WHO is endorsing you. The more relevant they are, the better.
Finally, news sites, blogs or periodicals, contrary to popular belief, DO NOT improve your ranking. The search engines are smart enough to know that yesterday's news is dead news. They are looking for consistency.
Establish yourself as an Aggregator.
If you really want to be in the top-10, one strategy is to reposition yourself as an aggregator of information about your area of interest.You have to understand that the search engines are in the business of selling advertising. If you are a business, from their point of view, you are supposed to be advertising with them and pay-per click. If you are an aggregator, then you are writing articles about the topic area you are interested in, and you are linking OUT and other people are LINKING IN to you. You are not directly selling, you are providing information ABOUT what it is you are selling and you are also exchanging links with your competition. You are also advertising your competition if you put advertisting on your website.
Here are my 3 rules about Linking:
1. Exchange with similar sites to your own. If you are a chiropractor and another chiropractic site or association (even better) puts a link on their website to you with the words 'chiropractor' in the anchor text (the words that are clickable in the link, not the surrounding descriptive text), it gives you a boost for that term. Remember whatever term you are targeting must be in the anchor text for maximum boost.
2. Ask people in your network to link to internal pages in your site, as well as your home page. This gives you a boost because it looks like you have lots of pages of relevant information.
3. Show gradual growth and natural expansion from a kick-off launch.
Secret #5: Shock the System.
Pick a date, put all your wind behind it and launch everything on that date. If you're lucky, you'll get a live person who works for the search engine company to actually look at your site to see if you're 'cheating' .When they see that you aren't and you've done everything right, and you actually are doing a really big launch (because lots of other websites OTHER THAN YOU say so), they will make a note of it. You need a lot of people writing articles about you. Do it all at once. Then keep it up! Over the next 90 days, keep adding links and keep growing, whatever it takes. When you finally reach the top 10, you'll stay there.
If You Already Have An Eathgrid Site You're 80% of the Way There
If you have a website with Earthgrid, you already have everything you need to be SEO Optimized. In other words, our program automatically generates pages with high-relevancy, without special programming.
With your Earthgrid Site here are 6 actions steps you can take today:
- In Your Earthgrid Site, simply log in, hover on the Control Panel and choose Site Properties.
- Under Site Title put in your target key-phrase. Every page in your site will begin with this phrase, you may want to include your business name AFTER your key phrase. For example: Golf Clubs and Golf Equipment - American Golf Retailers
- Now go to your 'Home' Page. Hover on Control Panel and choose Page Properties. Change the name from 'Home' to another Key Phrase i.e. 'Online Golf Shop"
- Click on Special features, change the name of the HTML page to something like 'golf_clubs.html' - Unlike other CMS web site systems, Earthgrid sites allow your 'home' page to be any phrase you choose, you must use underscores in between words, because rules of the internet prohibit spaces in page names.
- In the Footer area of your site put a link to your now new 'Online Golf Shop' page, i.e. your new home page. This makes sure that EVERY PAGE in your site links back to your target key phrase.
- Publish Your Site. Everything else will update automatically.
Recommended Tools You Can Use for SEO Link Manager - create an account in our "Social Network for Entrepreneurs."
After you have registered, you will be prompted to create another web site. We strongly recommend you do this and use this new site for your SEO aggregator marketing (not your regular site). Finish making this site and then go to and log back in.
Why? because you can link back and forth with relevant key phrases between your sites. The HTML code for the link exchange code appears on the Marketing Tab , Link Exchange button. By having more than one Earthgrid site, you can optimize your linking campaigns and focus each site on an aspect of your business. It is a lot more cost-effective than pay-per click ads and you never know - you may land a phrase that can bring you 10-20 visitors per day!
That is why we price our sites at $1/day - each site should eventually bring you more than 1 new visitor per day, which is what you would be paying for per click-thru from any of the other search engines. Now if each new site brings you 2-3 visitors per day, you've broken through! Create another site and repeat the process. Then eventually link all your sites together in a wheel. That's how you build a network.
Search Engine Simulator - Here is a handy free tool to see how your website appears to search engines
SEO Elite - This software and e-course combination gives you a big head start in developing your own SEO campaign. You'll save time and money by using this handy piece of software to target your key phrases. -
learn more
Keyword Elite - Know exactly what the "money keywords" are. The keywords that BUYERS are searching for! Use these keywords to increase your sales. Nothing else will show you these.
Link Popularity or Link Building refers to the number of incoming links pointing to your site. Building link popularity is one of the most important and critical aspects of any effective natural search campaign. Search engines consider your web site to be important if more links point to your site using the keywords you wish to rank for. Search engines view a static link to your website as a "vote" of popularity for your website thus increasing your overall natural rankings in the search engine results.
When link building is done effectively, and through the proper strategies, it is successful and is a vital component of off-page SEO success - leading to improved natural and organic rank within the search engines. While Google is, indeed, the leading search engine, estimated to hold 80 percent of all traffic, Yahoo and MSN do account for most of the other 20 percent in Internet searches. For this reason, we do develop campaigns that attack all three search engines effectively.
Because 80% of all internet searchers fail to look beyond page one and two of their natural and organic search results, and fail to click on PPC ads, it is important to develop an online marketing campaign that will drive your site to the top of the organic and natural search results for those keywords currently associated and indexed for your website. In terms of web search, the top 3 PPC results tend to get about 3-5% of the clicks while the top 5-6 natural listings will get about 28% of the clicks when a given query is made by a user. In fact, studies have shown that 80% of Internet searchers will not, and do not, connect to websites that aren’t on the first page of their search results.
Also, organic rankings are far more affordable than pay-per-click. For example: The keyword "Critical Care" is estimated at a cost of $1.40 per click. There is an estimated 40 clicks per day on that term. The monthly total for that ONE keyword would be $1,680 per month vs. organically targeting over 15 keywords for less than $1000/mo.
To achieve optimal traffic, it is important to develop a link building campaign that targets keywords that are highly searched on the internet, and then push your site to the top of the organic and natural search results for those same keywords. As your traffic increases, your opportunity for generating revenue will increase at which point you may want to consider adding the additional keywords to your marketing campaign.
Our service specializes in optimizing your site’s natural listings within the search engines through targeted contextual linking campaigns. Backward, or “inbound,” links determine your website’s link-popularity which is a key-component to the search engine algorithms and you could certainly help yourself by having more links pointed at your site built around your critical keywords using targeted “anchor text”. With our advertising products, we can increase the link popularity to your website and, in doing so, your company’s website may rank higher in the search engine natural and organic search results, bypassing your competitors.
Your Next Steps
In order to start your link popularity campaign we will need the following from you:
1. Your Destination URL - where do you want traffic to show up at on your website?
2. Your Target Key Phrases - before using our service, research the popularity of your key phrase using:

3. Your Monthly Bid Budget - starting at $100/mo. The service makes offers to 'partner sites' who are in related fields to link back to your Destination URL above. You can estimate the monthly cost for your phrase by reviewing the bids and the daily volume and multiplying it as in the example above.
Then Contact Us. We will get back to you with a campaign proposal that meets your needs.
Here is an article by one of our strategic partners '

8 Brilliant Tips That Boost Conversions
Did you know that about 40-50% of your site’s visitors leave after seeing just a single page?*
If half of your traffic disappears, it will take a heavy toll on your site’s conversion rate. Understanding why visitors leave and how they interact with your site is crucial to your business, and bottom line.
Here are 8 tips to boost your conversion rate based on case studies and research:
1. Visual-ize it
Images and movies are the easiest types of content to absorb quickly, and using them effectively can boost your readers’ attention span and encourage longer interactions.
Don’t forget to make images clickable! They will be clicked!
Schwan’s uses images superbly and, in fact, are one of the
highest converting retail websites around.
Did you know?
People love looking at faces, especially the faces of attractive people… uses lots of images to get visitor attention. How many faces can you count? We counted 9!
2. Read this and Win
Did we get your attention? Are your headlines working for, or against you? If your visitors aren’t immediately captured by your headlines, they’ll quickly leave your site. Don’t worry! You don’t need to be a world-class copywriter to come up with great headlines. With a little bit of practice, and some testing, you can hone your headline skills and grab the attention of your audience.
Ask yourself these short questions:
- Is the headline short and to the point?
- Is it worded in terms of benefits to the visitor (and not product features)?
Your headlines should encourage the visitor to continue reading, highlighting the benefits of doing so while keeping it believable and specific. website says so much with just a few well chosen words.
Want to learn more about writing headlines? Read about how to write the “World’s Best Headlines” in Jakob Nielsen’s Alertbox.
3. Put your Best Stuff up Top
Most readers never scroll down, and when they do the drop-off rate follows a distinct pattern (see graph below). In fact, page areas near the top of the page get about 17 times more exposure than the areas near the bottom of the page, according to a research report by ClickTale. This means that everything important or newsworthy, or any call to action, needs to be above the page fold.
The chart above shows where on the page visitors are paying attention, as they scroll towards the bottom of the page. To see your own visitors’ scrolling behavior, we recommend using ClickTale’s Scrolling Heatmaps.
4. Make content Pop
The really important stuff, the things you want to stand out, should be emphasized. Did you notice how we use bold typeface to draw your attention to certain words or sentences? Experiment with font size, bold, italics, color and highlighting to find the most effective places and methods to grab your readers’ attention and call them to action.
Conversion Rate Experts do an excellent job using different font styles and colors to get their messages across.
5. WIIFM (What’s In It For Me?)
Sites usually get it wrong by focusing on themselves (the site) and not the user (i.e. “Me”). Chapter 3 of Dan Pink’s The Adventures of Johnny Bunko, a fantastic manga-style career guide, puts it this way: “It’s not about you”.
That’s right, accept it, it’s not. It’s about the user community, that is, your sites target audience. Your site exists to serve this audience, and everything done on your site should have this focus.
This Best-Practice is actually quite simple.
Ask yourself these questions:
- Is this page/form/offer/etc actually of real value to my audience?
- Why should they care?
- How is it useful to them? homepage concisely conveys what’s-in-it-for “you” (their potential customers).
6. You ask TOO much
We hate to be the one to tell you this, but you ask for too much info on your signup forms and checkout pages! Visitors are extremely sensitive to the quantity and type of information asked from them, and every additional question significantly decreases the likelihood of form completion, harming your conversion rates.
Did you know?
The least-intrusive and fewest-question forms are the biggest winners.
Facebook is a great example of a simple, short and effective sign up form.
Two Tribes used ClickTale’s
Form Analytics to optimize their online forms and got a
50% increase in conversion rates.
7. Watch your visitors
Running usability tests used to be difficult and expensive. Not anymore. With ClickTale (start using it for Free) you’re able to conduct usability testing by watching your visitors’ actual browsing sessions.
Usability testing will help you discover what’s “broken” on your website, and answer questions like:
- Why are visitors leaving my landing pages?
- Why do they fail to make purchases?
- Which pages never get scrolled?
Watch this short (about a minute) ClickTale video to learn how to run online usability testing.
Did you know?
Breaking down problems makes it easier to fix them. After running usability testing, compile a list of the top 5 things that are “broken” on your site. This will help you focus on the most urgent problems, and prioritize issues. Once you’re done, go to step #8 (Testing).
8. Test - Repair - Retest
Small changes often make major impacts on the bottom line, which is why we recommend that you test every section of your site, in order to maximize revenue and conversion potential. Using a service such as Google’s Website Optimizer to run “multivariate tests” or running a simple A/B test, is a great way to see what works best.
Run your testing in three stages:
I. Fix all of the things that are “broken” (which you’ll discover during your usability tests, see #7 above). This is worth doing first, because it’s the easiest way to make quick improvements.
II. Watch your visitors again with ClickTale, to make sure you actually fixed what was broken. If things are still screwy, or if further tweaking is necessary, go back to step I.
III. Test new ideas that have the potential to significantly grow your business. Again, it’s important to watch the results of your changes to see how they are really impacting your business.
Here is an example of an A/B/C experiment using Google’s Website Optimizer.
Final Thoughts
When it comes to web design, there are no firm set of rules. But following these simple guidelines will help you optimize your site and improve conversion rates, as it has ours and thousands of other websites.
So remember:
- Fantastic visuals grab visitors attention
- Great headlines encourage action
- Float your best content to the top
- Make important content stand out
- Fewer questions boost conversions
- Run usability tests
- Test, repair, and retest

We highly recommend you create a free account with Clicktale by clicking here.
Seven Savory Ingredients to Converting Web Visitors Into Profits
What is it that you want a web site visitor to do when they come to your web site? Internet Marketing Experts have said that it takes on average SEVEN interactions with you or your website, before people will BUY from you. How will you start an electronic conversation with your web site visitors? We recommend using a series of forms, auto-responders and engaging email information announcements:
Request For Information Form : a simple form that requests important information you need to determine if your potential customer is suited for what you have to offer
Autoresponder: the form instantly sends them an e-mail back. When your potential customer opens and reads your email, that is your second interaction with your potential customer
The Article Page : at the end of the email put a link BACK to a different page on your website, not normally accessible from the home page. When they click on this link they are now interacting with you a third time. Have this page go to an article and then to the details form. This article should include free and beneficial info for your visitors.
Details Form : When they fill out this form it will ask them a lot of details and lead them to another page that thanks them for their time and tells them to check their e-mail for more information.
Second Autoresponder E-mail : You create a 'New Mailing' list and Database that contains another autoresponder e-mail that informs them a bit more. It includes a link to your sales page. Tip: NEVER put sales copy in an e-mail.
Sales Page : they click on the e-mail link and visit your sales page which informs people about your products or services.
Purchase Page - this is the 7th interaction with your site visitor. They can purchase your product.
Using these seven interactions, you have tracking system to measure exactly where in the enrollment process your site visitors are at in every stage of the sales process. By understanding that the majority of your web site visitors will NOT BUY from you initially, you can use this model as a way to dramatically increase your profits per visitor.
Mini-sites Don’t Mean Mini-income!
Set up quick and easy mini-sites to sell single products in hot niches, and watch your passive income explode.
Mini-sites are quick and easy to set up…and profitable. Don’t let the name fool you. These small, highly focused sites are the key to exploiting targeted niches for maximum return.
Most aspiring online marketers start out dreaming of dollar signs. They usually spend large amounts of money on tools (software, how-to ebooks, etc.) Then they get to work and find out the promise of overnight success isn’t so easy. You certainly can achieve success quickly, but to do it, you have to focus like a laser beam on business models that make sense…and make money.
That’s why mini-sites need to be a tool in your toolbox. In this report, I’ll hand you everything you need to know to start using mini-sites in your business, even if you’re just starting out. In fact, mini-sites are especially helpful if you are just starting out!
What’s A Mini-Site?
A mini-site is just a small site that sells (most typically) a single product. That product can be anything from a very short PDF report to a high-ticket service. The product really doesn’t matter. What counts is the business model.
A mini-site is quite possibly the simplest online business model there is, for several reasons:
· It’s easy to set up (I’ll show you how)
· It doesn’t require much technical expertise at all (you can hire somebody to help for cheap)
· Because it’s easy and simple, it’s possible to set up a mini-site in a few days at most
Many people hear the term mini-site and think these sites have to be rinky-dink. Not at all! I’ll show you a case study later that proves the point.
5 Keys To Mini-Site Success
There’s absolutely nothing mysterious about how to be successful with mini-sites. The keys to success are the same ones you’ll need for almost any marketing effort, whether online or offline. That’s one of the great reasons mini-sites are a good starting point for many new marketers—learn what you need to learn here, and you’ll set yourself up for future wins.
The first key to mini-site success is finding a 'hungry market.' Copywriting legend Gary Halbert used that phrase to describe a market that’s almost 'desperate for what you want to sell'. Think about a restaurant that opens up right in the middle of a busy business district. They’ll be swamped with customers because…they sell what those people are hungry for!
In mini-site terms, this means you need to find a niche that has a need for information you can deliver. That information can take several different forms, but it’s pretty easy to think about an ebook, so let’s stick with that example. So, find a market hungry for an ebook you can give them.
The second key is to have a targeted product. That means having a product that’s exactly something people in your market want. The closer you can get to what they want right now, the more successful you’ll be. Imagine a crowd that desperately wants to find out how to cut their home electric expenses…and you give them a guide telling them how to slash their costs by 80% or more. They’ll beat your door down, if you keep the next key in mind.
The third key is to have an attractive price point for your product. This is completely driven by your market. If you charge $1,000 for your ebook, that might be in line with what the market will bear, or it might be outrageous. Only a little research into what people in your market are paying for things will help you know. Beyond that, you’ll have to experiment with prices to see what sells.
The fourth key is to have compelling sales copy to sell your product. Remember, when people buy an information product online, they don’t get to see it or touch it. The only thing that’s going to sell the information you’re offering is your sales copy. It has to press the emotional hot buttons that will compel somebody to take out his wallet and give you money.
The fifth key is to make payment quick and easy. This means you absolutely must accept credit cards. That’s how most people buy online (and with PayPal, which you should accept as well). If you don’t accept credit cards, you’ll lose sales.
...or get a Free Basic Mini Site
Quick, Simple, Ad Free, Never Expires
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Easy Video Player - Why send your customers to free video sharing sites? Instead, put videos on your site that can contain buttons to buy your products or services. This product is a must for video marketers. It handles and creates all the HTML snippets you need. Just paste in the snippet into your site and you've got a much better alternative to free video sharing sites.
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this article to learn more about how to configure your forms for IP tracking.