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  Basic SEO Audit


  • Analysis of your current website authority, with respect to your industry competitors.
  • Review and setup of Google Analytics, tracking pixels and plugins.
  • SEO of one article or web page that is not the home page.
  • Optional: Video of the steps that were taken to SEO this page, including keyword research, tags etc. *


  • Recommended SEO changes that could be implemented by a technical member of your staff, including suggested keywords, titles, content, optimization tools and links to competitors in your industry who we have selected.
  • Next steps based on our review of where your website is at your current state of your business relative to other businesses in your industry.
  • 30-Day Free Trial of Search Triggers Business Edition ($99 value).

­Fee: $599


* Disclosure: The video created will be owned by Search Triggers and may be used as case study material in our future training programs. If you do not wish for your case study video to be made public in our training materials, you may purchase and own the video for an additional $500.

Prefer to do SEO on your own or are limited by budget?

Bring more traffic to your website with Search Engine Optimization

Find the right keywords and places to get your website discovered on search engines so more customers can get to your door.
One-click submission to Google, Yahoo! And Bing
Easily submit your Web page(s) to over 100 leading search engines including Google, Yahoo! And Bing.  

Increase your search rankings

Learn what search terms are most often used by people looking for your type of business. Insert these keywords to your page so you can show up when they search.  

No technical skills required

We’ll do the heavy lifting and suggest keywords that will attract shoppers to your business.
Sign up for our Search Engine Visibility Service - it costs as low as $1.46 per month and our expert staff can help you 24/7.

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If you have an Earthgrid SPACE authority site, its easy to update the Page Title, Keywords and Page Descriptions on each page. Our program automatically generates pages with high-relevancy, without special programming. Simply fill in the empty boxes with keywords and your description and Voila! Google gives you the correct relevancy. 
See also How to Improve Your Ranking with 301 Redirects in Manage Pages.

Regardless of whether your website is in Earthgrid SPACE, Wordpress or any other CMS, what we've found that nothing can help your business more than by having one of our experts evaluate where you are currently with respect to your business.  A typical SEO audit costs between $500 and $2000 depending on the firm you purchase from.  For a limited time we are offering SEO Audits which include our breakthrough keyword research software External link opens in new tab or windowSearchTriggers as well as a complete audit of your current SEO strategy.

No matter what your business is we guarantee your satisfaction with our SEO Audit. 

Today, the search engines care about three things:
  1. Your Authority - this includes link popularity and a variety of other factors.
  2. How responsive your website is on mobile devices and how fast it loads
  3. The Content Marketing strategy you employ and how consistent you are with creating fresh content

You'll be surprised to learn where you are with respect to your competition.  At the end of the audit we will make some recommendations as to the next steps you ought to take and options for us to do the work for you (Done for you) or do the work with you (Done With You).  Or you can do the work yourself with our SearchTriggers software tool.  Either way, at the end of the audit you'll know what to do next with respect to your website.

Sign up today for the SEO Audit and call our toll free number 1-800-557-0212 or direct hotline (707) 773-7727 after your payment and we'll get started!